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Gift of Beautiful Trees 2017 Complete!

We wrapped up our third annual Gift of Beautiful Trees program this month, providing tree trimming and removal services to THREE families in need this year. We were overwhelmed this year with the number of applications we received, and we couldn’t just pick one family. We enjoyed reading each and every story that came through and were inspired and touched by how our community is full of so many good people seeking to care of their neighbors, friends and family. Trees truly are a living, breathing component of our community that tie us all together. Keep up the good work, Omaha! 

The Archer Family

An anonymous neighbor nominated the Archer family, who lost a significant portion of their maple tree in last year’s June tornados. Neighbors helped clean up the debris that fell, but the rest of the tree still stood, so we were called in to finish the job.

We were happy to help, as the Archers had other significant financial burdens due to their newborn son, Chandler, being born with clubbed feet. Medical and travel expenses meant tree removal was likely at the bottom of their priority list! We crossed this item off their “to-do” list so they can focus on their beautiful growing family! 

Tyler’s Story

Our second story is about Tyler Call, nominated by his mother, Linda. Tyler, a newlywed, purchased a house with his wife. Sadly, about a year ago, she passed away. The emotional, physical and financial burden of caring for the trees on his property became too much to handle on his own, so we stepped in to help. Tyler’s backyard was filled with dying and decaying trees that posed a risk to himself and his dogs. We were glad they called in professional help! It was difficult to capture a before and after record due to the number of trees in his backyard. He has a small forest back there! We removed many dangerous limbs over the roof, deck and pool. We also removed several volunteer trees around the property to improve his home’s appearance.

We hope we were able to restore pride and confidence in his home, and hope for his continued healing following the loss of his wife.

Amelia’s Story

Amelia was nominated anonymously by a caring friend. We couldn’t tell her story better ourselves:

​”Amelia is a single mom, who, despite a lifetime of financial hardships, has managed to do more for her family and her community than seems humanly possible with only 24 hours in each day. While raising her two children, Amy provided for them by running her own nail care business. Working out of a tiny room at the back of another shop, she has a group of loyal customers and makes enough to keep food on the table, but not much else. And yet, while running her business and raising her kids, Amy has also done what many would see as impossible: she went back to school! First taking classes part time at Metro, and then moving on to full-time studies at UNO, my friend will, on Dec. 15th, walk with her classmates to receive her diploma for her bachelor’s degree in accounting! There are no words to describe how proud we all are of her. This is the woman who has always been there for me… well for anyone who need help, really. She can’t help people financially, so she helps them with her time, her hands, and elbow grease. Where she finds the time or the energy, I’ll never know. Sadly, with absolutely no leeway in her finances, there has been no money for much-needed things like home repairs and tree services.”
Our crew made quick work of a few trees that desperately needed to come down. We also trimmed a beautiful red oak tree in the front yard and a silver maple over the roof. Her home got a major facelift, and we hope we also lightened the burden for Amelia who has worked so hard to support her family, all while being a great friend.

Congratulations again to our three recipients! We look forward to doing it all over again this December! Follow us on Facebook for updates and for information on how to nominate a family in need!

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