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Emerald Ash Borer: Do you know what to look for?

The Emerald Ash Borer hasn’t officially been detected in Omaha, but it’s wise to know what to look for. Here is a great instructional video on how to identify EAB damage before it’s too late. To summarize, here are a few things to look for:
  • A thinning canopy
  • Woodpecker damage
  • Cracking branches and vertically splitting bark
  • D-shaped exit holes that measure 1/8″

​As always, consult a certified arborist if you suspect infestation, as these symptoms can also be caused by other insects. The earlier we can detect it, the higher the survival rate!
D-shaped exit holes measuring 1/8″
YouTube video

Watch out for scammers!

The Nebraska Forest Service has issued a press release (3/8/16) warning homeowners of scammers surfacing in Nebraska to sell EAB treatments. 

‘The Nebraska Forest Service (NFS) is encouraging homeowners to beware of solicitors promoting tree services and products related to Emerald Ash Borer (EAB). Unconfirmed reports have surfaced from around the state of person(s) providing misinformation, or claiming they will eradicate the invasive insect through treatment or removal of ash trees. These “companies” may be uninsured, unlicensed or request payment upfront—all possible indications of a scam.

“If the treatments seem too good to be true, that’s likely the case,” says NFS Forest Health Specialist Jennifer Morris. “Familiarizing yourself with EAB and what options are out there is an excellent way to sniff out possible scams.” 

Read the full press release here.
Vertically splitting bark

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